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Test-driven development by example book

Test-driven development by example. Kent Beck

Test-driven development by example
ISBN: 0321146530,9780321146533 | 240 pages | 6 Mb

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Test-driven development by example Kent Beck
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Dec 7, 2013 - It's understandable, then, why the development world of testing (test driven development, unit tests, behavior driven development, etc) can seem very foreign. It's an excellent talk, and I would highly As a minimal counter-example, TDD doesn't stop you using terrible names for things. Jun 4, 2013 - Ben Nadel explores test-driven development and unit testing using his Tiny Test framework to build a ColdFusion component that wraps query objects. I find this the hardest part of Test Driven Development, for example, in the Roman Numerals problem I now always start with conversion of 0, 1, 5, and 10. Need to develop and often more code to test than to even be tested. May 16, 2013 - You have probably heard of Test-driven development (TDD) and hopefully deeply embedded it into your everyday development cycle by now. May 12, 2014 - The most familiar are behavior-driven development (BDD), test-driven development (TDD), acceptance-(test-)driven development, specification by example, DevOps, and, most recently, shift-left. Jun 24, 2012 - Dan recently blogged on the opportunity costs of our various practices, and used TDD as an example of a practice that carries such a cost. May 9, 2014 - In a recent keynote at RailsConf called Writing Software*, David Heinemeier Hansson argues that test-driven development (TDD) can harm the clarity of our code, and that clarity is the key thing we should be aiming for when writing software. It can take longer to produce software with TDD than without. And, from what I remember in examples and presentations in the past the developer really does end up writing tests as rudimentary and tedious as testThatSortWorksAsc/Desc( ). May 1, 2013 - The right test is the smallest leap we can find. Test driven development is a simple development practice that allows you to demonstrate gaps in functionality, or prove bugs, before going on to writing the code to add the functionality or fix the defect, resulting in, among other things, a suite… Aside from the automated test suite, you also for free get documentation (yes code can be documentation) of real examples of how to use your classes or methods.

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