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Darkstalkers Tribute ebook

Darkstalkers Tribute by J. Scott Campbell, UDON

Darkstalkers Tribute

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Darkstalkers Tribute J. Scott Campbell, UDON ebook
Format: pdf
Page: 298
ISBN: 9781927925591
Publisher: UDON Entertainment Corporation

This is a digital print done in photoshop, Morrigan Print Darkstalkers Tribute for video games. Digital illustration created for the "Darkstalkers Tribute" Artbook, printed by Udon Entertainment. Available in: Paperback,Hardcover. Info & Management: ( Marzio) - Contact us on FB or mail: Scott Campbell (ISBN: 9781927925591) from Amazon's Book Store. They will only be out in late August. I'm finally allowed to show it off: my artwork for Udon's Darkstalker's Tribute Book. Free UK delivery on eligible orders. Darkstalkers Tribute hardcover editions are now available for pre-orders at Darkstalkers Tribute is the second tribute volume, the first being the Street Fighter Tribute (SFT) -- which is awesome. DARKSTALKERS - Iron Maiden Tribute Band.

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